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MHP/Team SI Wins 18 Prisms and Bob Sells Best of Show Award at 2021 ARComm Awards

On Thursday, Sept. 23, 2021, MHP/Team SI’s team gathered at the Pleasant Valley Country Club in Little Rock in celebration of the 2021 ARCom Awards ceremony where the agency received 18 Prism awards and was a finalist for 34 different entries. The agency also received the 2021 Bob Sells Best of Show award given to the entry that received the highest score from the judges. The virtual award ceremony was hosted by the Arkansas Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (Arkansas PRSA), an affiliate of a globally-leading organization for professionals in the communications industry. 

Each year, Arkansas PRSA recognizes exceptional public relations programs and skills of the state’s practitioners, companies and organizations by presenting the annual ARCom awards. The agency’s team was proud to showcase its work on behalf of its various clients during the virtual event. 

As our agency continues to grow in size and talent, we are thankful for our incredible clients who trust us to translate their visions into award-winning, successful campaigns,” said Sharon Tallach Vogelpohl, president and CEO of MHP/Team SI. “These awards are proof of our talented team’s commitment to creativity and providing our clients with demonstrable results.” 

The agency received awards for the following work:

  • Community Relations – Nonprofit

2020-21 Annual Clean Ups Campaign

  • Institutional Programs – Business  

Bernhard P3 Campaign

  • Content Marketing – Business 

‘Ask the Experts’

  • Marketing Communications – Business 

LDT Launch

  • Marketing Communications – Nonprofit 

Otto the Otter’s Youth Education Program

  • Multicultural PR Category 

Arkansas Urology Kickoff to Men’s Health

  • PR on a Shoestring Budget – Business  

‘Ask the Experts’ Campaign

  • Special Events More Than 7 Days – Business 

Thank a Hero Campaign

  • Special Events Less Than 7 Days – Business 

Le Bonheur Pumpkin Run 

  • Reputation/Brand Management – Nonprofit  

Arkansas Health Care Association Facility Reputation Management

  • Other Public Relations

Dr. Rankin Book Launch

  • Direct Mail – Nonprofit 

Arkansas Food Hall of Fame Direct Mail 

  • Public Service Announcement – TV 

Do Your Part. Get Involved. PSA

  • Public Service Announcement – Radio  

Do Your Part. Get Involved. Radio PSA 

  • Advertising Support – TV 

Light it Up CTV and Fiber Magic

  • Advertising Support – Radio 

Light it Up Radio: The Future is Bright

  • Advertising Support – Outdoor 

Do your part: Don’t Litter. Bus Wraps

  • Promotional Printed Pieces 

Otto the Otter and The Great Arkansas Mystery Book

The agency was recognized as finalists for the following work:

  • Advertising Support – Online

March Madness Vasectomy Ads

  • Content Marketing – Business services

Bernhard P3 Campaign Content Marketing

  • Creative Tactics 

#LocallyLexington Outdoor Mural

  • Institutional Programs – Nonprofit Organization

Otto the Otter’s Youth Education Program  

  • Marketing Communications – Business

Kinetic Business SD-WAN

  • Media Relations 

Arkansas Heritage: Artifact Friday Series

  • Multicultural Public Relations

David Montague Book Launch

  • Other Public Relations

LDT Influencer Outreach

  • Podcast/Vodcast 

Connecting Business

  • Public Relations on a Shoestring Budget – Business

National Moonshine Day

  • Public Relations on a Shoestring Budget – Nonprofit Organization

Diamond Chef On-Demand 

  • Public Service 

No Shave November- Beard Bracket Challenge 

  • Public Service Announcements – Radio 

Thank a Hero PSA 

  • Social Media 

Countdown to Opening Day 

  • Special Events and Observances – Nonprofit, more than seven days  


  • Special Events and Observances – Nonprofit, more than seven days  

No Shave November 

Click here to see the full list of winners as featured in AMP.

At MHP/Team SI, we have an award-winning team dedicated to helping you achieve real results through your marketing strategies. Learn more about what our ‘intentionally inventive’ team can do to help you achieve your business goals and strengthen your communication, advertising or marketing efforts by reaching out to a member of our team today at [email protected] or give us a call at 501-381-5023. 

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