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RV Loans Case Study

9 Month Performance Review


Increase RV Loans Applications

Develop an online marketing mix to drive product leads with measurable ROI.

Establish performance marketing reporting benchmarks, tracking and reporting.


Performance Marketing

It resulted in a $33 cost-per-started application, beating the benchmark of $150 cost-per-application.

Converted 10 out of 100 individuals into an Application Start
141% Increase in the number of submitted Applications

We used the following media mixes to generate these results:

Paid Search​

We leveraged the power of Google’s paid search ads to target individuals specifically searching for auto loan applications, reducing wasteful spending.

Facebook & Instagram

Targeting ads through Facebook and Instagram reached audiences as they were spending time scrolling through social media and allowed them the opportunity to take immediate action.

Doppio® Display

After we honed in on our target audience, we were able to retarget them on a household level with Doppio® data layers. Audience members might see display ads on any device including phones, tablets, computers and more.


We used Doppio®, our proprietary targeting platform, to retarget individuals who had visited the site before. Potential customers were shown display ads while they browsed the internet.

Connected TV

Using Doppio®, we reconnected with customers who had demonstrated interest in the product on our website with target ads on streaming and Connected TV platforms.

Another incredible case study with a much cheaper cost-per-acquisition than automotive dealerships.

Our campaign generated 8,080+ unique pageviews on application start pages and 824 conversions. These conversions are based on application starts, form fills and calls. The national average conversion rate sits at 4.17%. Ours was 10%. For example, a bank would only have generated a 4.17% conversion rate with paid search only.

With our campaign, we generated a 10% conversion rate. That’s going from converting only 4 out of 100 people to 10 out of 100 people. This client’s cost-per-application was less than $33, whereas automotive dealerships had $200-250 cost-per-conversion going after the same audience. Of all their different marketing tactics (handling in-house or another agency), generated 99% of all online conversions with our campaigns.

RV Loans Case Study Results

Unique Page Views
0 +
Application Starts
Cost-Per-Application Start
<$ 0
Application Rate
0 %
of all online conversions* came from
0 %
Cost-Per-Application Start
0 % Savings​

Other Banking & Financial Case Studies

Proprietary + Confidential  /  Conversions refers to Online Applications

2023 Finance Industry Performance Benchmarks (Google) / 2023 Finance Industry Performance Benchmarks (Meta)

$71.44 Cost-Per-Conversion for Search, $84.10 Cost-Per-Conversion for Display, 4.17% Conversion Rate for Search, 0.80% Conversion Rate for Display, 5.01% for Social Media

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